About — Jii Saaduddin - #1 SEO Expert in Davao City (SEOBlade.net)


Assalamo alaikom w.w.! Hi there!

I'm still learning the ropes as a web developer, but I'm also fascinated by how people interact with technology. That led me to explore psychology, and it's been an amazing journey. As a Filipino-Muslim Maranao, I bring a unique perspective to the table, and I'm always eager to learn and grow. Whether coding, learning about human behavior, or spending time with my kids, I try to approach everything with a thoughtful and analytical mind. This blog reflects that journey, sharing my experiences as a developer, a dad, and a lifelong critical thinker. I hope you'll find something here that resonates with you!

Let's Explore my Blog Topics https://jiisaaduddin.blogspot.com

Tech & Culture (Binary Jungle with Bais) Ever heard of "bias"? It's this Maranao concept of shame and social awareness. So, in the tech world, where things move fast and virality reigns, I'm learning to code with empathy, considering how technology impacts not just individuals, but entire communities like mine. Imagine coding with an elder's wisdom whispering over your shoulder, reminding you of the human fabric behind every line of code.

Data & Human Behavior (Decoding Sarimanok Tweets) In our Maranao traditions, the Sarimanok, a mythical bird, symbolizes beauty and resilience. But on Twitter, where trends fly faster than the Sarimanok, I'm using data science to understand how Filipinos connect online, celebrate heritage, and navigate challenges, tweet by tweet. It's like peering into a digital tapestry, woven with laughter, longing, and hope.

Coding & Critical Thinking (Algorithms & Adobo) Growing up, my grandma's adobo simmered with lessons in patience and precision. Today, I code with the same spirit, dissecting algorithms with a critical eye, questioning biases, and crafting solutions that are fair and inclusive. It's about building not just digital bridges, but bridges of understanding, ensuring technology serves not just the privileged few, but everyone at the online table.

These are just sparks, waiting to ignite into full-fledged blog posts. My perspective is just one thread in the rich tapestry of Filipino-Muslim Maranao cultures. My readers will undoubtedly bring their unique viewpoints, creating a vibrant dialogue about these topics and the connections that bind us all.

Happy reading! Let's weave those stories together, code line by code, tweet by tweet, one adobo-scented algorithm at a time.

In the spirit of sharing resources, be sure to check out my other websites that can unlock your full potential:

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